Salon websites ideas. 4 must haves of a beauty salon website

4 must-haves of a beauty salon website. Salon websites ideas for perfect results

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As a CEO you have a lot of decisions to make on what is good for your business. When you are just starting out, everything automatically falls onto your lap, and even when the business is prospering, employees still rely on your input in advertising services and minimizing risks. Attracting new customers and keeping the regulars is more of a constant than a goal, and having a website is a great way of marketing your services. But how you do you get the best salon website design?


The choices you have for website builders (e.g., Squarespace and Wix), that offer beauty salon website templates, and agencies are hard to count. Whichever one you choose, you need to be sensible about the risks and have at least a basic understanding of what you want the website to look like and how you are going to market your services.


A good website needs more than a list of services and contacts. It needs good contents and structure. Especially considering that an easy-to-use, informative salon website design is part of good customer service, you need some basic functionality along with a good description of what you can offer.


#1 Include the essentials


Salon websites ideas. Include the essentials


A big part of bringing traffic to your website, the people interested in beauty services, is getting on the first page of search engine results. For example, you are more likely to get on the first page of Google results if your hair salon website design includes content that is unique and informative, thus useful to the users.


Having a ‘Services’ page with a couple of unique offers is also a good way of showing you’ve made effort instead of using the templated material. Add prices alongside the services or on a separate ‘Price List’ page and keep the prices updated in case they change. The most important bit here is to make all information clear and outright available, so avoid attaching downloadable PDF documents.


Pictures have more value than words in the beauty industry. Clients will often hesitate in their choice of esthetician, hair stylist or nail technician unless they see a portfolio of their works. Having a gallery of before & after shots, of tools, products, and equipment you use, and photos of the interior is a must for top salon websites.


The ‘Contacts’ section isn’t complete without a map and directions if your salon is a bit harder to spot right away.


#2 Add an online booking option


Salon websites ideas. Add an online booking option


People turn to the beauty industry because of self-esteem issues and anxiety associated with how they look, they might not like talking over the phone. In addition to that, the younger generation is more used to ordering everything online. A client also might need to make an appointment when they can’t use their phone or get a hold of your administrator. Either way, it’s a good reason for having a live chat, e-mail, or online booking options.


Adding an online booking feature to your beauty salon website design will allow your clients to set up a personal account, where they can see available hours and make an appointment from any device. Your clients can also get confirmation messages and reminders about an upcoming appointment or ask for a callback. It’s a convenient way of staying in touch without investing in a call center.


#3 Highlight testimonials


Salon websites ideas. Highlight testimonials


Real customer reviews make your services look more credible. One of the best hair salon website ideas to add testimonial sections for individual services, add a ‘What people say’ on the main page or link to your social media account. And of course, encourage your customers to leave a few words about you.


Showing that you are open to communication is more important than singling out only the good feedback. In addition to that, using software that can provide you with a fast and convenient way of gathering customer reviews, is also a good practice for your business.


#4 Keep it organized


Salon websites ideas. Keep it organized


As you can see, a beauty salon website is a tool for attracting clients, keeping regulars, easy and effective communication, as well as keeping your business organized. Now that you have all essential content, beautiful pictures, sleek design, and included an dozen other salon websites ideas to make it look good, the only thing your website is lacking is a CRM system – the backstage tool for keeping your work organized.


CRM systems, such as Beauty Pro, are great for handling online booking and communication with the customers. Here are several undeniable benefits of using Beauty Pro:


  • Keeps the schedule and clients’ contact information in one place, so you can send messages about special offers, Happy Birthday wishes, and reminders about upcoming appointments.
  • Gives your clients an online booking option, that integrates with your internal schedule, and link this option to your social media account. Its fast and keeps the schedule clean.
  • It allows you to save money on ineffective advertising. With Beauty Pro, you can keep track of which channels your customers came from and get insights on which ad campaign works the best.
  • Beauty Pro helps to maintain a referral program. What better way to find new customers than through regulars, who can offer the most honest feedback to their friends.


Get the FREE Beauty Pro Demo to learn about other useful features that help simplify the workload and increase the quality of your services.




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