Attract New Clients with the Help of Salon Management Software

Attract New Clients with the Help of Salon Management Software

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Regular clients are the backbone of salon profits. Steadily attracting new clients is what helps increase sales and ensures that your business grows. But how can you achieve that? How can you get more beauty clients?


There are many different strategies and methods of attracting and retaining customers. Here are some of them:


  • Set up a good website. It should be easy to use and look pleasing to the eye, but it should also show the essential information, about your salon, services, and prices that clients might be interested in.
  • Advertise through different media outlets. It’s good to invest into social media marketing these days. With the large amount of beauty bloggers on Facebook and Instagram, you will certainly benefit from catching their attention.
  • Choose a good, visible location. How easy it is to find your salon or whether your sign is visible from the street also contributes to attracting new clients.
  • Encourage existing clients to share their experience. Positive reviews always work in favor of advertising your services, be it in the form of testimonials on your website or as part of a referral program.


This is just a handful of recommendations on how to attract clients to your salon. There are many more useful ones that you can find on the Internet when you Google “how to get more clients in my salon” or come up with yourself. It just takes time to figure out which one works best for your salon. An issue you might also face here is that it’s hard to measure the results without any physical evidence of your base indicators, actions, and achievements.


So how would you know if a strategy or campaign is working effectively? How can you arrange this process, record all your actions, and measure achievements? One of the best methods of attracting customers and retaining their loyalty is using salon management software. It saves time, brings structure to all the data about your business, and automates every salon process for more accuracy.


Improve Your Strategies for Attracting New Clients with Beauty Pro Features


Improve Your Strategies for Attracting New Clients with Beauty Pro Features


Beauty Pro is a salon management software system that can help you use the different methods of attracting customers and retaining their loyalty more effectively and automate most of the tasks associated with this process. Here is how you can improve the process of attracting new clients with our features:


  1. Effectively store client data: our database allows you to store all sorts of information about the client, including name, date of birth, history of visits, and coloring formulas. Beauty Pro records everything the clients do at your salon and this information ultimately helps you get more acquainted with your audience and advertise, in Facebook or via email, the services that they need or want to try.


  1. Arrange client segmentation: the more information about your clients you know and store, the easier it is to group or filter them by any parameter. For example, you can divide clients into new, regular, and inactive, where each group would require a different approach in advertising your services and offers. You can also divide clients into groups where one is regularly using the same service and the other never tried it.


  1. Create SMS and email campaigns: our software automates advertising, so you can send out news about current offers, new services, and discounts via text and email messages. This is a quite effective method of how to get new clients in a salon, and also keep regulars.


  1. Set up referral and/or loyalty programs, issue and sell gift cards: an immediate bonus or a prospect of receiving one gets a lot of attention from potential clients. Beauty Pro helps you set up loyalty and referral programs and track which clients use them. You can also issue gift cards or certificates, record who has bought or paid with a gift card.


  1. Add online booking: one of the methods to attract customers who prefer the Internet over the phone is an online booking option. You can add this feature to your website, Facebook page or other social media.


  1. Generate statistical reports: that will help you analyze your achievements in attracting new clients and boosting sales, employee performance and the effectiveness of your advertising channels and campaigns, and profitability of services. The reports will also give you new ideas of how to get more beauty clients to your salon.


More Capabilities of Beauty Pro Salon Management Software


More Capabilities of Beauty Pro Salon Management Software


Figuring out how to get more clients in a salon and automate this process is one thing. But it’s not the only process you can automate with Beauty Pro. Our features will also help you structure finances, track employee performance, and improve inventory management. Beauty Pro tools and features can also help with:


  • Client management. It’s easy to add client records to the database, schedule visits, send reminders about upcoming appointments, and overall, create a pleasant salon experience for each client.


  • Client retention. Turn one-time clients into regulars with features such as loyalty points, online booking, and personal deposit. You can also create surveys and gather feedback from clients about your salon, services and employees.  As a result, you will find inspiration and ways to improve.


  • Client research and analysis. Make use of more than 150 reports to research your clients’ wishes and analyze what services or offers that they are interested in.


Combined effort in improving the different methods of attracting customers and salon other processes with Beauty Pro features will give you tremendous results, much sooner than you expect. You will definitely save time on routine tasks, increase client retention and profit, improve employee performance and offer clients everything that they desire in a beauty salon based on statistics and feedback.


You can test all Beauty Pro features right now by downloading the free 14-day trial. Our customer support team will help you install the software, get acquainted with the tools, and answer all of your questions about the system. You can also find other recommendations on how to attract new clients to your salon in our blog.




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